Oct 27, 2014 | Uncategorized
Catastrophe a downturn
in the affairs of men a broken
they hop after women bearing seed
what men call catastrophe nature
calls change
transformation of every species start
with me
rocks are living too I am the first
water has even more life than I
unstanched by identity
fierce well-unintenioned sea
we go to war with subtle instruments
Scots mixing buttermilk and beer
lamps they have they pass to others
others wander in the ill-lit street.
Passacaglias don’t come every day
true or false, false, the street
always beckons, the ricercare though
especially of six voices rare
abandon all pretense before the Wood
of Nakedness
where the owls turn into savvy virgins
rather fierce around the hipbones
your dream is wind from Above
false a dream is a dream and so is
a good argument for turning on the
elsewhere a gander gabbles on a gable
and poetry somehow will never quite give
Oct 26, 2014 | Uncategorized
RK reads for Bard Alumni Day, 25 October 2014
Oct 26, 2014 | Uncategorized
Need a machine knows how to point
three women swimming in the pool
white one-piece mind
Easter parade to honor Wittgenstein
to turn away from what is most one’s
the story breaks once the hero’s horn
is heard
goats digging in their hooves uphill
sometimes long after she vanished
you hear her voice come out of the slope
soft throat but another language
each part of the body a trump in a
lost game
do you remember what to call me?
Fields of Russia white with images
Ilya Repin canvas of a peasant shack
but o the shutters and the cries of
girls in the meadow pretending to be
so much is lost before you learn to
cast a number in bronze
nail it to that rock and call it
one day at lunch with A.J. Ayer
there is nothing left to say about
the mind
that’s where poetry comes in
the art of making everything happen
and be new the art of meaning
something else.
Oct 25, 2014 | Uncategorized
Narrative happens to a reader’s mind
nothing else is going on
anemometer twirls round and round
measuring the neighbor’s wind
numbers down below
this cave mouth to our city come
sink into the bliss of ordinary
thighing around ordinary houses
you live here so I do too
mute connectedness of ball and bat
web of Indra plight with jewels
simple in his long complexity.
Remarkable for dawn
Latin promise all fulfilled
heartbreak and doctorate
call the birds to witness
this man sits still
imagine the sea moves
imagines women and their men come
from the sea
imagine the invaders are just like me
when even you aren’t
a shoelace lying on the beach a
flipflop lost
follow the grain of wood and enter in
blazing tachometer dashboard of
tropic wood.
Oct 24, 2014 | Uncategorized
Because you have to believe something
without punctuation
hard to get the hang of a day
of time the unrememberer the lost
the girl who stepped back below the
chilly now and ardent then
a heart is the lung of the sea
suddenly the horizon rushes in
a multiple blue person enters my body
you bring me to shore
the mist is not moving
the land we love does not stay still.
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