Wait by the monument

Wait by the monument

till the shadow of it

reaches your feet.

At that very moment

history will end

and time will begin.

And with it you will

come slowly to understand.

I think that’s what the grey

sky told me when I woke.


27 February 2019



is like weather

suddenly yielding


I wandered

through the morning

greedy for noon


and time too

bends in our fingers

and sunlight fades


26 February 2019

The Daily Puzzle

The daily puzzle

steams into the harbor,

how to be

again and again.

Roar of wind,

turbine whine,

crunch of hull against

aging wooden dock.

A day

new minted

from the bank.



For you to spend, love,

or hide downstairs in the basement

safe from the impertinent daylight

sleazy with other people.

Being alone is pure being,

isn’t it, but what about me?

Barefoot on the tiles of permission

I wait my time

my ship is somehow

still in the channel

on the way in—

nobody needs me.



Not yet.

Too many miracles

have dulled my despair.

I wait my moment,

momentum, my move.

And of course there must

be a bird in it,

gull or crow or such,

otherwise how would I know?



Less to say,

more to forgive.

Moral metaphors,

dusty images.



What do I mean?

No, wait, it isn’t me,

I’m just doing what I’m told,

the tree doesn’t make

its shadow, the sun does that.

All these words are just

my opacity breaking the brilliant silence.

Silence comes first.

Silence knows.


26 February 2019


Comfortable imprecisions,

Comfortable imprecisions,

logic’s easychair,

soft, soft, be like mist

in winter, windless,

no sharp edge anywhere

unless a crow sails by.


24 February 2019


Be longer, like the rain

Be longer, like the rain

the long lines of it

seeking us out from above,

each drop a syllable

in that huge quick text—

be more like rain.

24 February 2019