Empty head a harp
still, lets
the wind of what
happens sing.

Turns out everything
is an answer.
Now locate the question.
This is religion.

Stood by the stream
across the street just
a few moments when
someone also stopped
and we talked. It seemed
too natural, made me wonder
am I part of what flows?

I keep telling my friends
Don’t think. Let it
think you. Aristotle
frowns at me but Aquinas understands.

Once there was another country
and we all came from there.
It wasn’t so long ago but we forget
and make up long stories about
imaginary places like England,
Italy, China, Ireland, Africa.
Maybe it helps us put up
with where we think we are.

Just as in one of those places
the harp sings by itself.
Or to put it a southern way
the ancestors sing through us.
Either way, the song
comes to meet us
and we call it morning.