And what should we believe?
All the dreams
that rained down
so heavily all yesterday
seemed worth the mind
they flickered through.

Games rained out,
streams overflowing,
man playing the twin-
barreled reed aulos
to wild applause, how
we can sing two songs at once.

It’s all in the fingers
and the circle of breath.

May Eve they called it,
that famous last night
that comes every year.
I sat in the car a while
sheltering, the rain
pelted on the roof,
atonal marimba as
the window fogged over
with my own breath
and I tried to believe.

What is the meaning
of Walpurgisnacht?
It’s not all witches and weird.
It’s about suddenly
in darkness realizing
you are not alone,
are never alone, and all
things and all beings
around you have dreams
of their own. Schemes.
Bonfires and signal flares,
cell phones and Acropolis.

Then daylight comes,
morning, the day itself
as footnote to the night.
And all the citizens
of the dark put on their
fresh new clothes
and sing in tune.

Get ready–it’s time for that radiant fantasy called now.

1 May 2023